Whether you’re a new immigrant to Canada, considering relocating to Canada or have already lived in Canada for a while, information is always king. Information on how, where, when, why and who about all things from saving money, making money, finding a job, surviving, getting into school, to shopping tips, having fun and general lifestyle needs as a new Canadian immigrant. The difference between having information and not could sometimes cost you money or even much more than money. It is okay not to have all the answers but actively seeking information is very important.
In this post, in no particular order, I have put together a list of some really amazing Nigerian Canada bloggers who do an amazing job of sharing their experiences, providing useful tips and generally keeping you up to date with information you definitely need to have life easier here in Canada. They have Instagram pages, websites or YouTube pages. This post will be a growing list as I will keep adding more great Nigerian Canadian bloggers as I discover them. Here we go!
Zinny Factor: When it comes to career tips and advice, Zinny Factor is your go-to. Topics you’ll find on her platform range from workplace issues to challenges of a new worker or immigrant in the workplace, career change, worker’s lifestyle and more. She also shares on how to be a side hustler while maintaining your 9-5 if that’s what you are aiming for. Outside of this, Zinny factor owns a Digital Marketing agency in Toronto and is also a Wedding Photographer/ Videographer on Allen Oba Studios. It is owned by Ezinne Allen-Obayagbona. You can follow them in Instagram @Zinnyfactor and check out their website right here.
InfoPlace Canada: Info Place Canada is a consulting agency that helps people make their dreams of relocating to Canada come through. Whether you’re looking to study in Canada, relocate as a new immigrant or just visit the country, Info place Canada is your place to go. It is owned by Florence Akpan. She has a very resourceful Instagram page and blog filled with lots of information you’ll definitely be happy to find. You can also reach out to them if you will need their services. Their IG handle is @infoplacecanada and you can visit their website here.
Black Migrant Girl: Akata Salawo is a Canadian immigrant who writes about her experiences as a black migrant girl as she is on an adventure from Nigeria to Canada. Her posts are usually fun, conversational and educative. She also does a lot of guest features on her website. There’s a lot to learn from her as she keeps it real in her posts. You can follow her on Instagram @Blackmigrantgirl, Twitter @Blackmigrantgrl and visit her website here.
9ja in Canada: 9ja in Canada is a guide for a lot of things you need to know about moving from Nigerian to Canada and settling in as well. They touch on topics that most Nigerians who are new to Canada will need help with. They have quite instructive and educational content and are popular on Instagram for their tips snippets they share every day. It’s an interesting page you should follow. You can find then on Instagram @9jaincanada and also click here to visit their website.
My ChopChop.ca: So, My chopchop.ca is an online African foods retail store that sells a lot of those nostalgic Nigerian foods and snacks you probably already miss like zobo leaves, suya spices, tiger nuts, kuli kuli, chin chin…okay I’ll stop now. What’s great about their Instagram page and blog is that they have great content marketing. They have very useful kitchen tips for Nigerians here in Canada. You can find them on Instagram @mychop.ca and click here to visit their website and blog.
Diary of a Canadian Immigrant: Diary of a Canadian Immigrant shares her journey through the Canadian Express Entry process and finally arriving and living in Canada. If you’re also in the process, you could learn a lot from her journey. She is also open to answering questions you might have about the Express Entry process. She’s on Instagram as @diaryofacanadianimmigrant and you can also check out her blog here.
Lagos Mums in Canada: This blog has an interesting perspective than many mothers can relate to. She shares her experience from relocating to Canada from Lagos with her family. Her posts are relatable especially for other mothers who are new to Canada as well. You can catch up on her stories and journey which she shares through her blog Lagos Mums in Canada.
Damiadeniyi.com: Dami Adeniyi blogs at damiadeniyi.com where she writes about Nigerian achievers here in Canada and also African achievers in the diaspora as well. This blog also contains events happening in Canada you might want to check out. Knowing there are other Nigerians here doing great things is definitely motivating and it will be a great idea to keep tabs of these achievements. You can check out her Instagram handle @damiadeniyidotcom.
4dlifeofme: 4dlifeofme is actually a YouTube channel run by Janey who started out in Canada as an International student from Nigeria. She shares videos of her experiences and answers questions that every person coming to Canada as an international student might have as well. She has since grown and even beyond school, answers general questions about studying, working and living in Canada. The great thing about Janey is that she is always willing to help and answer questions you might have about living in Canada. You can send your questions to [email protected] and she will answer them in her Livechat session which she does on YouTube every Sunday at 4pm EST (Toronto time). You should definitely follow her. On YouTube she is 4dlifeofme and on Instagram she is @byynaj.
Naija Canada Girl: But of course I had to be biased about this. Naija Canada Girl is run by Nneka Obiano, a Canadian Immigrant from Nigeria who shares tips on how to settle, survive and have fun as a new immigrant in Canada. She has a YouTube channel called Naija Canada Girl where she shares videos of useful tips on how to make the most of being a new immigrant in Canada by reaping every benefit possible through her experiences. I strongly recommend you subscribe. She also has an Instagram handle @Naijacanadagirl where she shares useful tips, snippets, facts and random videos of her journey. You should totally follow her. Thanks for already visiting my blog!
There are so many other useful pages and blogs of Nigerian Canadian bloggers I am yet to discover about living in Canada as a new immigrant. I’ll however constantly update this post as I discover more.